Mary Flanagan had a lecture talk in 2004 and it was posted
onto Columbia universities YouTube page. Listen to Mary Flanagan give her talk
it was interesting. In her talk she started by talk about he history of other
artists and what they did. Flanagan mentioned Yoko Ono and her construction
painting and how she saw Ono’s work like pseudo code and how it is like a basis
before moving to more of the digital aspect. I thought that this was
interesting on how she likes to relate coding into her work.
Another artist that she mentioned was Tony Conrad and his
work called flicker. Flanagan said that when you watch make sure that you don’t
have epilepsy. I looked up Conrad’ s work and it definitely has a lot of
flashing lights. I thought that it was interesting how Flanagan liked his work
because it was evoking some kind of response and that is what she wants to do
in her work.
One of Flanagan’s works is her project called: The Adventure
of Josie true. I looked it up and found it to be something that I had never
seen before. I found that it was really interactive and that most of the
projects that she works on are interactive videos. She likes how things can be
interactive like computer games and observing how they have evolved and can
continue to evolve throughout time.
She talked about some of her other projects that she is
working on. She mentioned one project that she is work on with someone about
how people send emails. She wants to map the emails that people send to people
and create a sound projects based on what people are corresponding with. In her projects I feel like she really makes
her projects be personal and I think that it really shows in her work. As an
example one of her projects she said was about a story from her childhood.
While watching Flanagan talk I found it hard to concentrate
because she was kind of all over the place. One minute she would talk about one
thing then remember something else and start talking about that. When she did
start talking about her projects halfway through her talk was very interesting
and enjoyed listening to it.
Overall I am glad that I listened to her talk and got to her
about the artists that influenced her work and to learn about her projects that
she has worked on.
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